Category: views

  • XAML Page Types

    ContentPage ContentPage : Defines a single page within your application. This is the most basic page type in dotnet MAUI. StackLayout : Arranges child elements in a vertical stack. Let’s look attributes of StackLayout. RadioButtons : Allows the user to select one option from a set. Let’s look RadioButton attributes. Tabbed Page TabbedPage : Represents…

  • XAML Views(Code Behind)

    Let’s look closer some items. :ContentPage : The class MainPage inherits from ContentPage, which is a class representing a page that displays a single view. InitializeComponent(); : A method generated by the XAML compiler. Initializes the UI components defined in MainPage.xaml. Binds the XAML elements to their respective objects in the code-behind. OnCounterClicked : Handles…

  • XAML Views

    Let’s look closer to the each element and attribute in detail. ScrollView : Provides a scrollable container for its child content. ScrollView, ensures that the content within can be scrolled vertically or horizontally if it exceeds the available screen space. VerticalStackLayout : Arranges child elements in a vertical stack. Attributes of VerticalStackLayout Image : Displays…