Tag: basics

  • XAML Page Types

    ContentPage ContentPage : Defines a single page within your application. This is the most basic page type in dotnet MAUI. StackLayout : Arranges child elements in a vertical stack. Let’s look attributes of StackLayout. RadioButtons : Allows the user to select one option from a set. Let’s look RadioButton attributes. Tabbed Page TabbedPage : Represents…

  • XAML Views(Code Behind)

    Let’s look closer some items. :ContentPage : The class MainPage inherits from ContentPage, which is a class representing a page that displays a single view. InitializeComponent(); : A method generated by the XAML compiler. Initializes the UI components defined in MainPage.xaml. Binds the XAML elements to their respective objects in the code-behind. OnCounterClicked : Handles…

  • XAML Views

    Let’s look closer to the each element and attribute in detail. ScrollView : Provides a scrollable container for its child content. ScrollView, ensures that the content within can be scrolled vertically or horizontally if it exceeds the available screen space. VerticalStackLayout : Arranges child elements in a vertical stack. Attributes of VerticalStackLayout Image : Displays…

  • Basics of XAML

    App.xaml Application is root element of xaml file and it is representing application wide settings. Let’s look closer to the “Appplication” element attibutes. You can define application resources inside of the “Application.Resources” element. This resources will be available for entire application. Example of application resources can be, styles, color and data templates etc. AppShell.xaml Let’s…